Só para mostrar que eu escrevo onde quer que eu esteja...
Alguém imgina onde eu estou?
(Ah! Depois de tantos dias chuvosos, resolveu ensolarar, né? Acho que minha cabeça também.)
...e, se ele não explica, não serei eu quem vai fazê-lo.
rapadura é doce, mas não é mole

- Macabea
- Cor: azul | Banda: Radiohead | Música: In the Year (Echobelly) | Homem: sei não | Mulher: eu | Bebida: caipiruva | Gesto: abraço | Animal: gato | Lugar: Olinda | Veneno: pagode | Objeto: perfume | Verbo: cantar
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Notícias telegráficas
- Tem início mais uma temporada de prove-seminário-estresse-etc. Mas, como estresse não me atinge, fico só com os dois primeiros e o etc.
- Dilúvio + garganta irritada = melhor não ir à aula.
- Anunciada a Fenneart deste ano. Uhuuuuuuuu!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Ai, eu me atrevi a cozinhar! Ai, minha reputação!
Só num foi mais legal porque minha amiga Josefina, que está ficando da minha idade hoje, tava longe. Pô, Josefina! Tu num sabe que São João sem tu perde parte da graça?
Ficamos muito frustrados porque nem pudemos dar um abraço de urso/jibóia em você. Blah! (Tudo bem, a gente descarregou toda a frustração na lasanha. E tu perde-eu!)
Só num foi mais legal porque minha amiga Josefina, que está ficando da minha idade hoje, tava longe. Pô, Josefina! Tu num sabe que São João sem tu perde parte da graça?
Ficamos muito frustrados porque nem pudemos dar um abraço de urso/jibóia em você. Blah! (Tudo bem, a gente descarregou toda a frustração na lasanha. E tu perde-eu!)
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
She's got issues
I'm seeing this girl
And she just might be out of her mind
Well she's got baggage
And it's all the emotional kind
She talks about closure
And that validation bit
I don't mean to be insensitive
But I really hate that shit
Oh man she's got issues
And I'm gonna pay
She thinks she's the victim
Now I know she'll feel abandoned
If I don't stay over late
And I know she's afraid to commit
But it's only our second date
Oh man she's got issues
And I'm gonna pay
She thinks she's the victim
But she takes it all out on me
I don't know why you're messed up
I don't know why your whole life is a chore
Just do me a favor
And check your baggage at the door
Now she talks about her ex nonstop, but I don't mind
But when she calls out his name in bed
That's where I draw the line
You told me a hundred times how your father left and he's gone
But I wish you wouldn't call me daddy
When we're gettin' it on
Oh man she's got issuesAnd I'm gonna pay
She's playing the victim
And taking it all out on me
My god she's got issues
And I'm gonna pay
If you think I'm controlling
Then why do you follow me around
If you're not co-dependent
Then why do you let others drag you down
I don't know why you're messed up
I don't know why your whole life is a chore
Just do me a favor
And check your baggage at the door
The Offspring
Esta é minha música preferida.
Sem opiniões bizarras acerca de possíveis semelhanças, por favor. (De 1999 pra cá já se passaram alguns anos, né?)
And she just might be out of her mind
Well she's got baggage
And it's all the emotional kind
She talks about closure
And that validation bit
I don't mean to be insensitive
But I really hate that shit
Oh man she's got issues
And I'm gonna pay
She thinks she's the victim
Now I know she'll feel abandoned
If I don't stay over late
And I know she's afraid to commit
But it's only our second date
Oh man she's got issues
And I'm gonna pay
She thinks she's the victim
But she takes it all out on me
I don't know why you're messed up
I don't know why your whole life is a chore
Just do me a favor
And check your baggage at the door
Now she talks about her ex nonstop, but I don't mind
But when she calls out his name in bed
That's where I draw the line
You told me a hundred times how your father left and he's gone
But I wish you wouldn't call me daddy
When we're gettin' it on
Oh man she's got issuesAnd I'm gonna pay
She's playing the victim
And taking it all out on me
My god she's got issues
And I'm gonna pay
If you think I'm controlling
Then why do you follow me around
If you're not co-dependent
Then why do you let others drag you down
I don't know why you're messed up
I don't know why your whole life is a chore
Just do me a favor
And check your baggage at the door
The Offspring
Esta é minha música preferida.
Sem opiniões bizarras acerca de possíveis semelhanças, por favor. (De 1999 pra cá já se passaram alguns anos, né?)
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Minutos de grosseria*
* Porque Minutos de Sabedoria é um troço piegas.
A menina: ...porque eu ando bem sensível.
O coleguinho: Que bom, né? Senão era lepra.
A menina: ...porque eu ando bem sensível.
O coleguinho: Que bom, né? Senão era lepra.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
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